Healthy Working Life Training courses
The Healthy Working Life online training courses are a key component in a comprehensive package of educational resources, enabling individuals, teams and organisations to achieve sustainable, positive change in their working practices. Hosted on the Udemy platform, special links will be provided to register on the courses, with discounted prices for members. You can complete these courses at your own pace. They have been carefully designed to introduce the topics in a logical order and to draw out the key takeaways and benefits at each stage. Checkpoints are provided to help verify understanding of each topic.
Roadmap for Release of Courses
The following diagram illustrates the suite of courses planned for release in the 2023 to 2024 timeframe.

This diagram will be maintained so as to reflect the current availability and development status for each course. As described in the article, A new approach to healthy working, a huge body of ‘raw’ material has been created over many years that underpins these courses. A crowd-funding project is being launched to help fund the ongoing creation and refinement of training modules, until such time as the income from membership and other paid services is sufficient to cover the long-term R&D costs.
The Value of Continual Improvement
But wait, you say, I’m actually satisfied with how things are, thank you very much. I don’t need yet more advice on how to change my work life and make things ‘better’.
- Congratulations, you’re in a lucky minority who are absolutely satisfied with their working life and with the operation of the organisation. It may be that you genuinely have nothing to gain from any these courses.
- I regard “continual improvement” to be a positive concept – I don’t subscribe to negative interpretations, in which there always has to be something ‘wrong’ that needs to be fixed in order for your performance to be classified as acceptable.
- When applying the principles and techniques covered in these courses, I have found that many people quickly begin to identify aspects of their working life that, while not ‘wrong’ as such, may not be ideal, or actually carry a cost that has largely been invisible to date. So, we’re not seeking a problem to be fixed, but a light can be shone that suddenly makes visible opportunities to make life that little bit easier – or even a lot easier. I have case studies in which a new way of implementing an activity has been identified that results in significant daily savings in time and effort – in an intelligent work context, this is a wonderful opportunity, not a justification to start cutting staff! Cultural mindset is important here.
- While things may be great currently, it is useful to have tools available to help identify when issues do arise, so that they can be detected, analysed and responded to proactively and appropriately. See Heraclitus’ take on this below.
“Change is the only constant”
Attributed to Greek philosopher Heraclitus
Member access to training
As mentioned above, the courses will be available at reduced cost for site members. See How to obtain Membership for further information on how to obtain membership at this time. Note that members will have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on prototype training modules.