
Subscription memberships coming soon!

Membership Benefits

Logged-in users with a current membership gain access to:

Articles and Videos

Comprehensive, in-depth articles and videos that elaborate upon topics covered in the free series of articles and apply a framework context. This supports the transition from theory to practical realisation of the latent benefits.

Case Studies & Podcasts

I've often found that many important lessons are missed when analysing case studies from the world of work. I draw out key learning that is often (at best) left implicit. Podcasts are also presented, typically in the form of collaborative discussions on topics of special interest.

Specialist Resources

Supporting artefacts to assist with:

  • Successful application of the Healthy Working Method and the underpinning Framework. Combined with a good appreciation of recommended principles, these components form the 'glue' that facilitate a coherent strategy for continual improvement across all aspects of workplace health.
  • Organisational Neurodiversity maturity assessment and enhancement.
  • Understanding how best to utilise resources developed in collaboration with other organisations.


Exclusive Discounts and Offers

Reduced price or even free access to Healthy Working Life training course webinars.

How to obtain Membership:

  • Membership will initially be granted:
    • As a reward to backers of the Healthy Working Life Crowdfunder project, launched at the beginning of April 2023. Duration of the membership is based upon the amount donated. Supporters are encouraged to be actively involved in beta programmes, helping to verify the quality and efficacy of the resources under development, thus supporting the successful growth of this social enterprise and helping to realise the dream of a healthier, more rewarding and ethical workplace for everyone.
    • To parties collaborating on resource development.
  • Once sufficient member-only content is available, the website paid subscription membership functionality will be enabled, so that site visitors may purchase a membership subscription, paid monthly, quarterly or annually.

Membership Pricing

Please note that paid memberships are not yet available, pending availability of sufficient member-only content. To find out when they will become available again, and for more news and updates from Healthy Working Life, please subscribe to our newsletter (via the Subscribe Now box at the bottom of the page).

Monthly Subscription

£4.99 per month


Quarterly Subscription

£13.50 per quarter, equal to £4.50 per month

Yearly Subscription

£42.00 per year, equal to £3.50 per month

Public Resources

The Healthy Working Life services include, as standard:

Free Articles and Videos

Providing insights into:

  • The many factors that influence workplace health and productivity, the typical consequences of those factors and strategies to achieve a healthier work life and a healthier organisation.
  • Important neurodiversity topics.
  • Relevant news, events and publications, highlighting and elaborating upon important themes.

Free Neurodiversity Resources

A core aspect of the business model for the neurodiversity services is ongoing collaboration with organisations and individuals already doing great work in the neurodiversity space. Some of the outputs of this work will be in the public domain and made available via this site.

Other Services

The following chargeable services are also available, typically at a discounted rate for members:

Training Courses and Webinars

A range of online courses provide comprehensive coverage of topics relating to:

  • Healthy and sustainable working
  • Neurodiversity at work.

While some courses are designed for a general audience, other courses are targeted at distinct roles or areas of interest. More specialised courses will typically assume completion of foundational, pre-requisite courses. A Training Path model will be maintained to help plan your training 'journey'. See the Training posts for more information.

There is also the option of custom, in-person training (normally UK-based). Please contact me to discuss further if interested.

Webinars will also be hosted at intervals, covering topics of particular interest. These will typically be highly interactive, with the opportunity for discussion as well as Q&A.


One of my key skills is troubleshooting. I am a generalist with a strong technical and business background, many years of consultancy experience, plus a fascination with what works (or doesn't work) and why.

If you feel that your organisation or project would benefit from an independent, brutally honest review and recommendations for positive change, then please contact me to discuss further.

Got a Question?

If you have any questions about my training courses, resources, or anything else, please get in touch.

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